Here are the same towers, at the same time, from a different angle. The bridge between the two towers is flexible, so it doesn't break off when the towers move a little bit. The bridge even has a restaurant in the middle, and it also indicates the highest floor visitors are allowed to (the 41th out of 88).

Outside the KLCC, there's a nice park, with fountains, nice trees, etc. Many people come here to relax besides the water, as you can see on the picture. What's also very nice, is the fact that it's very cleen around this area. No littering or anything that disturbs the coolness of this place.
These pictures below are made from the same position, to the left and to the right. It shows a little bit of the "old" KL centre, where many Indians affected the architecture. They even build sort of a mini-Big Ben, can you see it? On the bottom picture, to the right on the background, you can see the KL Tower, which has a revolving restaurant. It provides a stunning view of the whole of KL. I'm going there next friday with some collegues ;) And that dark building on the top picture, on the background? It was something cool aswell, only I can't remember exactly what it was. Problably a hotel or telecom building.

3 opmerkingen:
Smitsie Boy,
Tiger beer? Als je nog shooters nodig hebt, dan sms je wel weer hè ;-)
Mooie verhalen man!
Achja, dat was lachen man! Als ik je weer nodig heb, zul je het zeker weten merken. Thanks!
Goeie verhalen Matthias. En mooie foto's, ook van je hotelkamer.
Beleef je nog wat de laatste tijd?
Groeten, ook van Anneke,
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